
It is MAANDAMANO Tuesday – Raila Odinga announces

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Speaking in Nairobi during Labour Day celebrations, on Monday, May 1, Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition leader Raila Odinga has indicated that the awaited May 2 protests will begin at 6 a.m. Raila has made the announcement despite the demonstrations being declared unlawful.

Raila Odinga
Raila Odinga

However, Raila informed his supporters that the protests should be peaceful and no property should be destroyed, on the same note giving a response to President William Ruto’s claims on the destruction of public property.

Our demonstrators have been informed that tomorrow’s protests will be peaceful. No one will carry any weapons.”

Raila Odinga remarked.

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Senior police officers from Nairobi, led by Adamson Bungei, had earlier stated that the demonstrations have been banned due to violence deployed by the protesters who also looted goods.

Previous demonstrations in the month of March 2023 conducted by the Azimio team were marred by violence as the demonstrators were armed with machetes, who attacked innocent members of the public who were going about their business, resulting in the destruction of property, attacks on members of the general public who were not demonstrating, stealing, looting and death of several Kenyans.”

Adamson Bungei stated.

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During his Labour Day speech today, President William Ruto recurred his statement that the protests being organized by the Azimio la Umoja team were illegal. The statement from the head of state Raila Odinga cites how unconcerned and not serious the government is.

This shows a lack of concern and seriousness on the part of the government.”

Raila said.

In the same regard, Raila Odinga criticized President Ruto over his plans to form a judicial tribunal to investigate the massacre that was witnessed in Shakahola. The opposition chief insisted that the President does not have such powers as per the New Constitution, but instead, only the parliament can establish such a tribunal.

Only parliament can establish a subordinate court or a tribunal through an act of parliament. Only parliament can determine the jurisdiction of a court or independent tribunal.”

Raila Odinga exclaimed.

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Odinga also commented on the deaths in Shakahola claiming that President Ruto, his deputy Rigathi Gachagua and their spouses have been associates of the Shakahola cultic preacher but are now slamming his religious operations. Raila said that the President owes the people of Kenya an explanation.

In the matter of Shakahola and the growth of cult activities in the nation, Ruto is as much a suspect as is all the cult pastors of Shakahola and beyond. He owes the people of Kenya an explanation before he purports to be trying to solve the problem.”

Raila added.

The Shakahola massacre has been linked to cultist preacher Paul Mackenzie after over 110 bodies were found buried in mass graves in a piece of land belonging to him.

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