
A list Of Azimio’s Team For Bipartisan Negotiations revealed

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Raila Odinga has unveiled the seven members who will face the team from Kenya Kwanza for bipartisan negotiations at the parliament. Among the leaders selected include Narok senator Ledama Ole Kina, Nairobi senator Edwin Sifuna, Kitui senator Enoch Wambua and Malindi member of parliament Amina Mnyanzi.

Bipartisan negotiations,

Other names on the members on the list are Suba North member of parliament Millie Odhiambo, Pokot South member of parliament David Pkosing, and Rarieda member of parliament Otiende Amollo.

The team was picked during the Azimio la Umoja parliamentary group meeting in Machakos County on April 6.

This came days after Azimio la Umoja leadership agreed to engage in a bipartisan meeting with President William Ruto’s team. A move that was welcomed by both international and local leaders in the country citing statesmanship from both parties.

What if the bipartisan dialogues fail to bear fruits?

Raila has, however, maintained they will have to go back to the demos if Ruto fails to take them seriously. He added that they are focused on the outcome of the truce and will not be swayed.

“We assure our people and Kenyans that our eyes are firmly on the ball, and reiterate that we shall go back to the people if there’s the earliest sign of lack of seriousness by the other side.”, Raila Odinga remarked

In what appeared to be a climbdown from his earlier demand for national accord-like negotiations, Raila opted for a pure parliamentary team to push Azimio’s interests in the talks.

We agree that a balanced process spearheaded by members of the parliament from both sides and backed by experts in an appropriate way to proceed. The end product will then be presented to parliament for approval. “

Raila said.

Raila Odinga passed apologies to retired president Uhuru Kenyatta for not being able to be available for the bipartisan dialogue.

“I bring apologies from our chairman Uhuru Kenyatta. He wanted to come but he is unable, but he said he will support whatever resolution we will make today”, Raila told the legislators.

Former prime minister Raila Odinga has, however, encountered opposition from a section of the Azimio team.

Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino has called out Raila Odinga for allegedly neglecting the youths in the team fronted to face the government. Babu Owino claimed that the youth ought to have been featured in the line-up to engage Kenya Kwanza’s side on bipartisan talks.

The second-term member of parliament said that the youth faced brutality during weekly protests and needed to be included in the line-up to express their opinions.

READ: Ruto kicks off bipartisan engagement with Azimio coalition

A team has been set up to represent Azimio in the bipartisan talks. I wish them well, however, it would have been more effective and efficient if a youth was part of the team because it’s the youth who is still at the forefront of the struggle.

Babu Owino

Former Nairobi governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko supported Babu Owino’s sentiments indicating that the member of parliament was loyal to Raila Odinga even during the anti-government protests.

“It is not fair to leave Babu Owino out of the committee the way he has braced teargas to support you in protests. Be loyal Baba.”, Mike Sonko wrote on his Twitter account.

Kileleshwa MCA Robert Alai, as well called out Raila Odinga’s decision to pick a team to represent his side in the bipartisan talks.

Alai noted that members of the county assembly would have advanced Azimio’s demands without being compromised.

“It’s a team that might not work well for us. MCAs drove the resistance against impunity. Members of parliament sold us off and were even bought in the National Assembly and Senate.”, Robert Alai stated.

READ: Bipartisan Political Approach In Stalemate

On the other hand, deputy president Rigathi Gachagua has said that he will not be available in case the bipartisan talks result in a handshake between the government and Azimio la Umoja brigade.

“Even if there’s a person willing to greet him(Raila Odinga), I Rigathi Gachagua will not be there.”, He said in Kikuyu dialect during a church foundation in Kiambu county.

Gachagua either said that the government will not prevent the Azimio battalion from going back to the streets may it be the bipartisan talks fail to bear fruits.

“They are threatening to go back to the streets. No problem, the streets are there. Whatever they want to do, we are fine with that.”, Rigati said.

Kenyans are keenly following the development of the negotiations and hope that it will be sorted once and for all.

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