
3 Deceitful Accolades To The Dead African Heroes

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He was a great politician. His sacrifices were beyond his personal interest. He paid the ultimate price with his wealth and health for the sake of democracy. His actions roared above the loudest lions. These are some of the pieces we read when one of the African Heroes dies.

To say the least, these are crocodile tears to African Heroes, shed to deceive the public. Instead, let us praise and condemn these African Heroes when they are still alive. It will be a great travesty of African beliefs for some hypocrites to send condolences and worst attend the funeral of the great sons they persecuted.

Mama Winnie Madkizela is one of the African Heroes. When Mama Winnie Madkizela, Morgan Tsvangirai, and Kenneth Matiba died, a lot was said about them and worst even their known enemies stood on the podium and urinated on their graves by pouring praises on them.

This must have triggered the drafting of an emotional speech by the South African president of Economic Freedom Fighters, Julius Malema who openly condemned the regimes that had for decades humiliated and undermined the efforts of anti-apartheid fighter late Mama Winnie Mandela. To Malema, Winnie earned her position among African Heroes.

I really don’t understand how praises helped the departed African Heroes in their graves. A true friend is one who tells you the truth. Nice poetry, speeches, and articles have no place especially when it’s about those who can not read, hear or see them. This is hypocritical and is not going to swallow it.

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When Kenya was mourning Hon Kenneth Matiba, a legendary political freedom fighter. Who fought for multiparty democracy. It’s in the public domain what Matiba went through in detention under the Nyayo regime. Even if we assume for once he was guilty, what will we say about the illegal detention, mercury injection, and alleged ’92 elections rigging elections? The barbarism of the highest order. All I can say Hon Matiba rests in power.

I won’t wait for the following trio to die before I pour my praise. Traverse with me in this vast plains of heroism, and let the wind of bliss whistle across this heroic almanac. Share it to H.E Mwai Kibaki, Rt Hon Raila Odinga and Gen Daudi Tonje.

Mwai Kibaki

Mwai Kibaki or Baba Jimmy, I meet you every moment I use Thika Super Highway. You are further seen in academic centers of excellence and Economic stimulus programs. It would be dishonest if I didn’t mention the new constitution and your love for peace that saw your commanding gallant Kenyan military troops cross borders in pursuit of global peace and a terrorism-free continent. You are a legend to me and one of the African Heroes.

Raila Odinga

African Heroes

Raila Amollo Odinga you are the professor of Kenyan politics. In bringing out corruption scandals in the sitting government you have no equal. Many would still spend their last coin to finance your campaigns. You are not just a politician but an enigma and father of democracy. Those in political corridors look at you in awe and admiration. To your supporters, you bring empathy and expertise and to the leadership arena, you bring knowledge and experience. I will one day write about handshakes. You deserve a seat among the African Heroes.

Read: Raila Odinga, the hero who keeps coming within inches of victory and glory

Gen. Daudi Tonje

Gen Daudi Tonje you served as the Chief of General Staff from Nov 1996 to Dec 2000. You introduced several changes in the modernization of Kenya’s military; disbandment of the Women Service Corps; establishment of the Defence Staff College & National Defence College & proposition of a four-year term appointment for generals and most important introduction of maneuver warfare. You are just the wheel behind the modern professional military we are proud of. An officer and a gentleman par excellence.

The above three are not just statistics, they can be counted. The humility with which they handle themselves gives a true reflection of a Statesman. Anyone who has had the privilege to interact with them leaves not just satisfied but enriched with wisdom. In the trio, it’s true that when ones are higher on the leadership ladder, the cooler one becomes.

To the trio, I did not want to say this on your grave. I want you to know in the leadership circles you are already immortal. You set the standards high. You’ve been learned, you are learned and you will be learned for generations to come.

To the rest who want to pour oceans of praise while a great leader has fallen, let you know it’s hypocritical. Let them know where they shone or made wrong. Let them be celebrated while alive…a walk from deceitful accolades…

Barry Ipapo

About Post Author

Barry Ipapo

Security professional || Law and Governance Enthusiast || Technologist
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