
Sex For Work? What You Need to Know in 2023.

sex for work documentary by BBC
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It is sex for work for today’s trend in Kenya.

Twitter #sexforwork is receiving mixed reactions to sex for work and the discussion is epic.

KOT users have different opinions in reference to the documentary that was aired out by BBC.

What is sex for work?

Sex for work, also known as transactional sex, is a form of exploitation where individuals are coerced into providing sexual services in exchange for employment or other benefits.

This is a pervasive problem that affects people of all genders and ages around the world, particularly in developing countries.

It’s a violation of human rights and can have devastating physical and emotional consequences for the victims.

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What is the reaction of KOT to sex for work?

#sexforwork sparked different reactions.
This is what KOT (Kenyans On Twitter) users had to say:

#SexForWork I saw a documentary yester night done by BBC’s investigative journalist at James Finlay and Unilever Kericho and it was horrible,the exposè unearthed the wild wild experiences our women goes through at the tea estates.

sex for work
#sexforwork from BBC Doc.

Another had posted saying:

#SexForWork allegations at Unilever and Finlay’s Tea Farms in Kericho should not be taken lightly. But it’s a common thing happening in many offices, hata influencers naskia Kuna Kinembe Twitter


KOT has kept the discussion on.

I am speaking as a former casual employee of KTDA in a factory and the stories that BBC public are the real ones, I thought they were rumours. Sexual harassment is real in the Kenyan Tea Industry not from even men but also from women. #SexForWork


Stephen Mutoro had to praise BBC for great work. See what he said:

The BBC investigations at Unilever are quite professional. Hoping our local media-houses can try this. #SexForWork


Forms of Sex for Work

Sex for work can take many forms.

Some examples include an employer promising a job or promotion in exchange for sexual favors, a landlord offering rent reduction or free housing in exchange for sex, or a schoolteacher offering better grades in exchange for sexual services.

In many cases, the victims are desperate for work or other benefits and feel like they have no other choice but to agree to the proposition.

One of the main issues with sex for work is that it often involves a power dynamic between the victim and the perpetrator.

In many cases, the victim may be in a vulnerable position and feel like they have no other option but to comply with the perpetrator’s demands.

This can be especially true in cases where the victim is economically disadvantaged, such as if they are living in poverty or have limited education or job prospects. The perpetrator may take advantage of this power dynamic to coerce the victim into providing sexual services.

Consequences of sex for work

Sex for work can have serious physical and emotional consequences for the victims.

For example, victims may be at increased risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or unintended pregnancy.

They may also experience emotional trauma, such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In some cases, victims may face social stigma or even violence from their community or family members.

It’s important to recognize the signs of sex for work and take action to prevent it. This can include promoting education and awareness around the issue, providing support and resources to victims, and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.

For example, employers can implement policies that prohibit sex for work and provide safe channels for victims to report incidents of sexual harassment or exploitation. Governments can also create laws and regulations that prohibit sex for work and provide legal recourse for victims.

What is the solution for sex for work?

The solution lies within the victims themselves. To stop the act!

If you or someone you know is experiencing sex for work, it’s important to seek help. There are many resources available, including non-profit organizations, legal services, and hotlines.

It’s also important to remember that sex for work is never the victim’s fault, and they should not feel ashamed or embarrassed about what has happened to them.


Sex for work is a serious problem that affects people around the world.

It’s a violation of human rights and can have devastating physical and emotional consequences for the victims.

It’s important to recognize the signs of sex for work and take action to prevent it. This can include promoting education and awareness, providing support and resources to victims, and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.

If you or someone you know is experiencing sex for work, it’s important to seek help and remember that it’s never the victim’s fault.

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I am the Father of All Nations in Informing.
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