
Four Of The 30 Bodies Exhumed From Shakahola Died As A Result Of Murder

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Following the postmortem conducted on 30 bodies exhumed from Shakahola farms, Tuesday, May 2nd at the Malindi Sub-county Hospital, government pathologist Johansen Oduor has revealed that four of them did not die a natural death, but instead murdered.

Chief government pathologist Johansen Oduor (left) addressing the media

The revelation comes after an autopsy exercise that was ordered to be conducted by Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki on the bodies exhumed from Shakahola farms in Kilifi, an operation area of cult leader Paul Mackenzie of Good News International church.

Read: Reburials Of Shakahola Cult Victims Could Take A Month Or More: Oduor

Remains exhumed from Shakahola Photo Courtesy

Four of the 30 bodies showed signs of murder, Johansen Oduor cited that their murders were executed through strangulation, smothering, and blunt object trauma.

For one of them, we could clearly see marks on the neck similar to those of someone who had been strangled with the breaking of some bones in the neck. We are certain that this person, who was a child, was actually strangulated.

Two (others) had undergone smothering. This is where someone blocks your nose and mouth so that you are unable to breathe and you die.”

Oduor said.

Read: Paul Mackenzie freed by the Courts and rearrested immediately.

Most Bodies exhumed from Shakahola were starved

Oduor further noted that another child died after suffering blunt force trauma to the head. Oduor also pointed out that 20 of the bodies had signs of starvation.

Out of the 30 bodies that have undergone postmortem, 8 were male while 22 were female and some of the bodies had gone through advanced decomposition and skeletonisation.

Johansen Oduor with other security officers and Pathologists Photo Courtesy

Human rights organizations have distanced themselves from the results of the autopsy. This is after Johansen Oduor denied their representation in the autopsy room, insisting that their role is not needed there.

A Red Cross staff. Photo Courtesy

Autopsy is more of a forensic investigation and they might not have any role inside there. Other than being traumatised, I don’t think their role is really needed there.”

Johansen Oduor insisted.

According to the Kenya Red Cross, 360 people were reported missing in the Shakahola massacre, and over 100 bodies have since been exhumed.

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