Hello! There is a TVET PSC Trainers Shortlisting criteria that all candidates must meet.
Have you applied for the TVET PSC Trainer job?
According to PSC, there is always a procedure for shortlisting the candidates that merit different rounds of interviews.
The government through its recruiting department, PSC, is recruiting 1300 TVET Trainers.
Are there any criteria to be followed?
PSC has criteria to follow while shortlisting (TVET PSC Trainers Shortlisting) the successful candidates that have applied for 1300 open vacancies in the State Department of Vocational and Technical Training.
- ALSO READ: PSC 1300 Vacant Positions
TVET PSC Trainers Shortlisting Criteria
TVET PSC Trainers Shortlisting will have to follow the following criteria!
The following are the general multi-layered shortlisting criteria that will then be applied as may be applicable:
Round 1 | Exclude any applicant who does not meet any of the requirements for appointment in the advert. |
Round 2 | Consider the quality and relevance of the qualifications (area of specialization, additional qualifications, year of graduation). |
Round 3 | Analyze the shortlist and consider: (a) the geographical spread of candidates to ensure there is adequate representation from the counties/sub-counties. (b) gender and PWD status. |
Round 4 | Apply any legal criteria on the qualified candidates to arrive at a manageable number to be shortlisted (if not already achieved under Rounds 1-3). This additional criterion should be well documented/recorded. |
After the shortlisting has been done, the committee has to write a report and submit it to the relevant authority.
Contents of the Shortlisting Report
There will be a report after the TVET PSC Trainers Shortlisting process.
A shortlisting report for every post will be prepared to include the following details:
- position
- number of vacancies
- date advertised and closed
- number of applications received
- the panelists
- date of shortlisting
- list of candidates shortlisted
A report in the format of an appendix shall be prepared and signed by all the panel members after shortlisting for every post.
Each shortlisting report will be submitted to the Board, and Council which will then compile a report on all the shortlisting conducted and thereafter submits the same to the Cabinet Secretary for Approval.
Interviewing Guidelines
According to the circular, on obtaining the approval of the shortlisting reports, interview schedule/s indicating the date, time as well as a venue for interviews shall be prepared.
The schedule should include only those candidates whose shortlisting has been approved. (Appendix III).
TVET PSC Trainer Invitation for Interviews
Shortlisting candidates will be invited for interviews through:
- Invitation letters
- telephone calls and sms
- emails-where available.
Purpose of this Article
This article is to bring to your attention that Kenya’s PSC is an equal employer.
The Kenyan guarantees the right to information. The whole process should be made public and only those qualified candidates will merit.
Take your time and apply it.
[…] TVET PSC Trainers Shortlisting: Criteria to be Followed (2023). […]
Are the applications online
Or hardcopy?
when are they shortlisting?
Are you guys already shortlisted candidates?