
Aden Duale Launches A New Book ‘For The Record’

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Cabinet Secretary of Defence Aden Duale is expected to launch his book titled, “For The Record” on Thursday, May 11th.

“For The Record” is a book revealing the inside story of power politics, lawmaking and leadership in Kenya, as understood by Honourable Aden Duale. The book reveals that for the majority of Kenyan politicians, the currency is betrayal, treachery, hypocrisy and greed. For the reticent minority, politics is about personal determination to change lives, strategic focus to sustainably empower people, and keeping public interest first. Duale reflects on the philosophy of hustle. He shows that even if you have a mentor opening doors for you, you must work hard. In the end, with God, all things are possible.

Aden Duale
Photo Courtesy

Uhuru Kenyatta is not invited – Aden Duale.

A function that is expected to be graced by H.E President William Ruto and other diplomats, has been declared a cordoned area for former president Uhuru Kenyatta.

This is following his recent behaviour at the Jubilee offices, which left Aden Duale insecure that the former head of state might as well disrupt his function.

Aden Duale and Uhuru Kenyatta in a Past Event Photo Courtesy

President Kenyatta, of late, after I saw how he was behaving at the Jubilee offices, I can’t invite him. He can disrupt my function and you know he is my buddy and I cannot remove him forcefully.”

Duale said.

However, being from a pastoralist community, Aden Duale promised to send a copy of his book to Uhuru Kenyatta and see how he can be of help to him.

I told him I am going to deliver this book to him and see how I an help him because I am a pastoralist and I have enough sheeps in my farm.”

Added Aden Duale.

Read: Proposed Finance Bill 2023 In A Stalemate.

Aden Duale on why he fell out with Raila Odinga.

While speaking exclusively on Citizen TV ahead of the launch of his piece of literature, Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale opened up on why he fell out with Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga, despite having used his ODM party to claim power in the North Eastern region.

Raila Odinga With Aden Duale in a past event Photo Courtesy

Duale whistled Raila Odinga of his continued deceit and dishonest in political affairs, speaking of an incident when the opposition chief pulled him out of the candidature for the ministry of defence during the 2008 grand coalition government, opting for Yusuf Haji, leaving Duale no option but serve as the assistant minister in the docket.

Read: Aden Duale: ‘Ruto Camp to Exit And Leave Jubilee to Uhuru, Con Men’

When the cabinet of the grand coalition was formed, Raila Odinga looked at me in the eyes and told me Kibaki has appointed another candidate, Yusuf Haji, to be the Minister for Defence so we can’t have two of you from the same district.
I remember I told him he should have told me, I would have gone to PNU and square out with Haji for the ministerial position, ‘I was part of your coalition’. The deceit started there. I was appointed an Assistant Minister where I served until 2010.”

Duale narrated.

Aden Duale went on to reinstate that Raila Odinga had a hand in seeing him alongside President William Ruto get fired by the late President Mwai Kibaki. He narrated how he and William Ruto had become victims of Mr Odinga.

It is Raila who fired Ruto. William Ruto and I were fired on the same day. It was around three o’clock. I was in my office and the screens showed the following have been sacked as ministers.”

The CS said.
Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto and Aden Duale in a past event. Photo Courtesy

The Defence Cabinet Secretary nourished President William Ruto’s name, terming him as a decent politician, a man who keeps and respects friends.

William Ruto and I met in ODM, we became victims of Baba, we found that we share more and agree more than differences. William Ruto is a decent politician, he keeps friends, he respects friends and he is a man who is very consultative in decision making.”

Remarked Aden Duale.
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